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Jenn Paul, MA, MFT

Jenn has been working in the mental health field for over 18 years. Jenn specializes in maternal mental health, women’s issues, and parenting. She has received extensive training in treating pregnant and postpartum women and in working with parents. She has received a certificate of training from Postpartum Support International, the UC San Diego Maternal Mental Health Clinic, the Interpersonal Therapy Institute (perinatal IPT,) Hand in Hand Parenting in their Parenting by Connection Model, and SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions.) Jenn is certified by The Trauma Resource Institute in treating trauma by using the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM.) She is also a certified Community Resiliency Model (CRM) trainer.

​Jenn is down to earth and compassionate, this comes through in her approach to therapy. Jenn practices a combination of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment (ACT) therapy, Interpersonal Therapy (IPT,) Solution Focused Therapy, and Somatic Therapy.

Jenn earned her Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University in 2007. She spent many years as a therapist in Santa Barbara elementary and middle schools. Formerly the Clinical Director at New Beginnings Counseling Center, Jenn has a wide range of experience in community mental health. Jenn serves on the Advisory Board of Directors for PEP (Postpartum Education for Parents.) Jenn also provides Clinical Supervision, supervising marriage and family interns.

​​​​Groups & Workshops with Jenn

Training in Postpartum Depression and Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder to Health Care Providers and Clinicians.

Training in the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) for Non-Profits or Schools, Teachers, Parents, and Clinicians.

Workshops in postpartum adjustment, mother-infant attachment, and toddler behavior for Santa Barbara Parents.

Past Workshops & Trainings​

Postpartum Support International Annual Conference 2015
San Diego, CA

“Relationships in the Postpartum Period”
PEP (Postpartum Education for Parents) Group, Santa Barbara

“Community Resiliency Model”

Trauma Resiliency Model Level 1 & Level 2
Beverly Hills, CA – Claremont, CA – Culver City, CA
(For more information or to register for future trainings visit: TRAUMA RESOURCE INSTITUTE)

“Circle of Parenting” Parent-Infant Class
Nan Tolbert Nurturing Center, Ojai, CA

“Piccolini” Parent-Baby Class
Bright Start Development Center

“Early Childhood Development”
Guest Speaker
Family Workshop @ Goleta Library

“Taming the Tantrum”
Peanuts Maternity and Kids, Santa Barbara, CA

“Jenn Paul Interview by Joni Aldrich & Chris Jerry”
Guest Speaker
Advocacy Heals U Podcast on I Heart Radio

“Postpartum Emotional Adjustment”
Community Hospital New Parent Resource Center, Ventura, CA

(805) 665-3690

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