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Community Resiliency Model™

I am thrilled to bring The Community Resiliency Model™ (CRM) to the Santa Barbara Area. The primary focus of this skills-based, group training program is to re-set the natural balance of the nervous system. CRM skills help individuals understand their nervous system and learn to read sensations connected to their own well-being, which CRM calls the “Resilient Zone”. CRM’s goal is to help to create “trauma-informed” and “resiliency-focused” communities that share a common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system and how resiliency can be restored or increased using this skills-based approach. CRM is often taught to groups of teachers, medical professional, medical first responders, and counseling clinicians, to help reduce the impact of job-related stress and prevent burn out. Once the CRM skills are learned, they can be passed on to help students, clients, and patients.

CRM skills have been used worldwide in varied locations, including the Philippines, Mexico, Haiti, China, the United States, Kenya, Darfur, the Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Trinidad, St. Vincent, Japan, Uganda, Somalia and Guatemala. CRM is brought to these communities following natural disasters to help build community resilience and lessen the impact of PTSD. The Department of Defense named the wellness skills a promising practice in 2011.

I am a certified Community Resiliency Model™ trainer. A full training is 2 full days, however, I can customize trainings to fit the needs of the group. I also offer CRM coaching to those who have completed a CRM training. Please contact me to learn more.

(805) 665-3690

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